4900 Campus Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76119 (817) 534-0787 office@worthbc.org

Adult Ministries

Sunday School classes offer opportunities to study God’s Word with others as you grow in sanctification together. They also encourage enriching relationships with fellow believers as you discuss, pray, and learn in a small group setting. If you’re not sure which group to attend, talk to one of our members. They would love for you to be their guest!

College - Crossroads

Study the Bible, meet new friends, and encourage one another in the Lord.

Single Adults - Conquerors

Dig deep into God’s Word with others in your stage of life and learn how you can be a light for Christ in your place of work.

Bridge To Recovery - Overcomers

Join our Sunday School class to learn core truths about faith, honesty, surrender, freedom, and the importance of God’s word, relationships, decisions, and priorities in achieving genuine spiritual recovery and growth.


Receive encouragement and Bible teaching as you raise your family to serve the Lord.

20's & 30's – Harvesters
30's & 40's - Homebuilders


Our 50+ Age Sunday School classes are designed to cater to the spiritual and social needs of our seasoned adults. These classes address topics relevant to this stage of life, enriching discussions, encouraging spiritual growth, mutual support, and meaningful fellowship.

50's & 60's - Empty Nesters
50+ - Liberty
50+ - Victory
60+ - Auditorium Class